The brightest minds can sometimes take a walk down the forbidden lane. Young, intelligent, ambitious and impatient; an employee in our client’s company was nothing short of stellar. Perfect credentials, brilliant mind and superior skill set- this employee was in the good books of one and all.
He earned quite well and indulged in luxuries that were at times, outside his financial reach. A flashy car, a posh apartment, fine dining with family. However, he managed well. Knowing fully well that he was a valued employee, he expected to get an appraisal in his current CTC. His financial difficulties would be settled fully then, he thought.
But fate dealt him a bad hand. The big appraisal he was waiting for never materialized as the company went for cost cutting in the wake of a worldwide meltdown. Hurt humiliated and battling several loans and credit card payments, he decided to do something about it.
Slowly and gradually, he started laundering money from the company’s funds to a fake bank account he created. He went unnoticed until the company decided to conduct its annual post-employment screening on all its employees.
Stern Screening conducted extensive financial audits on all employees. This employee’s case stood out immediately. His unscrupulous deeds were reported and he was not just fired, legal action was taken against him. On confronting him, he said that he only took what he deserved from this organisation.
The benefits of ongoing or infinity screening are immense. You never know when your star performer turns out to be the biggest threat to the integrity of your organisation.